Connecting With Universal Consciousness - Finding Our Way Back to Source
We learn through experiences, grow, expand. Life stops when we stop growing and expanding our being. Then we become like robots, doing the same programmed into us habits, living life on auto-replay – same old habits, routines, thoughts, environment, repeating cycles of relationships... And life passes by like it happens to us, instead of us being conscious and present in it. So how do we change that? Isn’t there more to life than that?
Underneath all of the roles we play in our daily lives, we are all one and the same. Our true essence at the very core of our being is LOVE. More than romantic love, it’s the unconditional love of Source or God, it's a place of bliss. Source energy flows through everything and everyone. It’s the eternal consciousness. We are all spiritual vibrational beings, living in the bodies and undergoing physical experiences. We are NOT our bodies – our bodies are our temporary homes for the time being of each life period. This is why I always say: “Care for your bodies, it’s the only true home you will ever have in this life”.
When we tap into unlimited potential as an expanded consciousness though meditation, our lives become more than just a set of memorized habits, reactions, and routines. The veil is lifted, and we start living life as conscious creators and co-creators. We start remembering who we really are – limitless spiritual beings. We feel alive, vital, energized, passionate to create and to give. We start seeing how the world really is ONE, how interconnected we all are with each other and with everything around us. The feeling of separation and duality starts to dissipate. We see all others through the eyes of Source – as other spiritual beings like us who are undergoing different life experiences in their physical bodies. Thus we start living with less judgment, knowing that each person is exactly where they need to be on their life path, learning his or her lessons. We don’t judge people on the choices they make. Each choice may be necessary for their particular life lesson and for growth. Judgment of appearance is gone also – we don’t judge souls on the kind of body they chose to live in in this lifetime. In the end, we are all coming back to Source, and we shouldn’t judge how or how fast each soul is doing it. Understanding this, we live from the state of unconditional love, compassion, and forgiveness, for ourselves and others.
Having connected with infinite intelligence, or Source, we now feel safe, no matter where we are. We feel loved, even if we are completely alone. We no longer look for another person to complete us. We are complete within our own self. We feel a sense of belonging, not to a particular group or cause, but to the world. We feel peace of mind, releasing hectic mind chatter of the ego. We have been to a state of complete blissful silence where all the thoughts are gone, and having come back from that state we are never the same. We now understand that we are not our thoughts or our emotions. We simply view them, understanding that they all pass. We start feeling joyful regardless of the conditions in our lives. We feel joy and bliss just because it’s our natural state of being. Our lives are now filled with excitement of what each new day will bring because life is no longer routine. It’s always changing, full of adventures and unexpected pleasant surprises. We continue to change from within, to grow and expand, and everything around us reflects that back to us with external changes. With trust, we let go of attachment to outcomes. When we connect with the Universal Intelligence, our lives become an effortless expression of joy.
We shift out of fear into love and freedom. As we become more conscious, we see that fear is an illusion and the only thing that’s real is Love. We are no longer victims to external forces trying to program us with fear. We see through the illusions and stand in our power of light and love. Each choice we make is a conscious choice. We understand that our thoughts, actions, and emotions have a direct effect on the world. We feel a sense of purpose, knowing that by changing ourselves from within, we are changing the world, making it a better place…
So question remains, what do our lives look like NOW? What are we doing with our lives? Are we living in freedom, joy, passion, peace of mind, and love? Are we living as conscious creators of our own reality, as limitless beings of expanded consciousness? If not, we just temporarily forgot who we really are, and it’s time to tap into Universal Consciousness to start our journeys back to remembering.